The Talk
Glitch Knit

Hour and date
The 08th at 10:00


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Claire Williams Textile designer

Born in Abou Dhabi Claire Williams lives in Bruxelles. Graduated in Textile Design from the ENSAV, La Cambre, she actually works on various collaborative projects involving knitting, computers and DIY machines.

Glitch Knit

 "Glitch Knit" by textile designer Claire Williams is kindly sponsored by La Maison du Design

A visual glitch is a product of an error that usually is caused by a mistranslation because of loss or a breakdown in a digital communication or device. These errors can reveal the language of a digital image. Materializing digital pixels enables us to explore different ways to translate digital tools into a palpable textile surface.

In this workshop we will learn how to corrupt the internal coded architecture of an image by using simple tools and different file formats. We will then use a hacked knitting machine that becomes a sort of printer to knit glitched images, texts or patterns. These different translations will show us how digital and ancestral techniques can be intimately connected.

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