The Talk
Merging Digital and Physical in the New Reality

Hour and date
The 07th at 17:50

Main Room

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Ivan Poupyrev Disney Research Senior Research Scientist

Ivan researches interactive technologies and interface design. He directs an Interaction Technology group in Disney Research's Pittsburgh Lab, Walt Disney Imagineering, a unit of Walt Disney Company tasked with dreaming up and developing future technologies for Disney parks, resorts, and cruises.

Dr. Poupyrev's research focuses on inventing technologies that seamlessly blend of digital and physical in devices, everyday objects, living and working environments. His work spans a broad range of research fields including novel mobile sensor technologies, wearable and mobile computing, energy harvesting, haptic user interfaces, shape-changing and flexible computers, augmented and virtual reality. Ivan has been named one of the 100 Most Creative People of 2013 by Fast Company magazine.

Merging Digital and Physical in the New Reality

The digital revolution is over. The bits won and information is no longer confined to the pixels on our screens. Instead the entire physical world, even living and breathing matter, are being infused with data demanding new, unprecedented forms of interactivity. This talk will present my explorations and design of new interactive technologies for the world of the future where digital and physical have seamlessly merged, including sensing and actuation, visual and tactile, the future of manufacturing, energy harvesting and and the fine art of growing digital plants. Although everything I develop has immediate applications in the world of today, it is the dream of a better and brighter tomorrow, a “conditional optimism“ for the human race emphasized by Walt Disney himself, which drives my work. 

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